So you want to catch fish for a living?
The first thing you need to understand is that making a career out of catching fish is not all about catching fish. Sure, making a little noise on your local circuit gets you in the game but if you're looking to compete in the big leagues, you need to focus on the big picture. So sponsors want to know, do you mean business?
A common response is, "I let my fishing do the talking."
Good for you. But is it good for attracting sponsors? Not so much. They may ask you how your season is going when you meet up on the iCast floor. But what they're really asking is, "Can you move product?"
So rather than talking about what you've done, potential sponsors want to know what you can do. This is a business, not a hobby. So if you're looking for more than a logo for your jersey and 10% off product, your presentation off the water needs to be on point as well.
1. CAN YOU SELL YOURSELF? Before you can sell anything, you need to sell yourself. Confidence is key. Not cocky confidence. Just believe in what you say and be genuine. Looking at someone in the eyes and listening is a good start.
2. DO YOUR HOMEWORK. The biggest mistake is thinking a jersey full of logos equals success. Do your homework and focus on the companies you believe in or have history with their product. One of the first things a potential sponsor is going to ask is, what do you like about our product? If you're not prepared to answer this simple question, no logo for you.
3. STAY POSITIVE. It's easy to get into the bashing loop. Keep the conversation on the positive rather than the negative and keep yourself on the good side. NOTE: this is a big business but can get small real quick when you start burning bridges. We're just saying (smile).
4. SET GOALS. it can be something big, like the top 5 companies you want to work with this season. Or something as simple as I want to learn how to skip a jig without backlashing. Stay goal-oriented and keep pushing higher.
5. STAY CURRENT. You can either embrace the digital world or keep tying on the Hula Popper. You don't have to speak fluent emoji, just recognize the power of the digital world and the possibilities. This was clearly illustrated by an MLF Executive earlier this year when asked if they were worried about losing the stage drama since everything was being played out on the water. He laughed and pointed to the couple hundred people in front of the stage at the pavilion. Then he talked about the millions of viewers tuning in online. So no, they aren't at all worried
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